Minneapolis Helps the Co-op Economy Grow

Roger Miller of Mico-Advocates Cooperative. Photo courtesy of Robin Garwood.

Roger Miller of Mico-Advocates Cooperative. Photo courtesy of Robin Garwood.

Did you know that Minnesota is the #1 state for sheer number of cooperatives (at 1023)? Well, that number may increase as the city of Minneapolis (118 co-ops here!), following the lead of cities like New York and Madison, has decided to invest in further cooperative development.  A new program called C-TAP (Cooperative Technical Assistance Program) will offer support over the next three years to Minneapolis residents who want to start co-ops.

Why invest in more co-ops when Minneapolis already has so many?  Basically, the city recognizes cooperatives’ potential in three crucial areas:

  1. Economic development and job creation through locally controlled/community-owned businesses

  2. Increasing racial and ethnic diversity in business ownership

  3. Innovation and community-building

Bam!  Want to see all the nerdy co-op numbers?  Need help starting your co-op? Check out C-TAP’s website.